Fin living it up in North Carolina

"Fin. He is such a lovable, snuggly, and eager-to-please pup. I get stopped on our daily walks by people who pull over their car to tell me just how beautiful he is! He is so spoiled- he loves swimming in the lake here in NC and at the beach in FL. Everyone absolutely loves him! I wanted to thank you again for helping me find MY perfect dog!" 

Lindsey W.

Dear Mr. John,
"My family thought you'd like to see some pictures of how big I'm getting. I'm really loving my new surroundings where I have all the shade and room to run I could ever want. So far I've not been out of there sight since I've been home. I've been boating, swimming, going to the office and other fun stuff. I'm sleeping great and getting good at going outside when I have to use the potty.
I've really impressed everyone I've meet with my studly good looks and demeanor. They are amazed that I've learned to sit on command. I hope all my brothers are enjoying life as much as I am. The doctor says I'm darn near perfect as does mommy and daddy but you knew they would all say that. Tell my mom thanks for giving birth to me and I want to thank you for taking such good care of me for the first 8 weeks of my life. Your the best and if your ever in Maryland come see me for a boat ride and steamed crabs."
Your Pup,


"Conch is doing great and the funniest thing is he made it all the way from November to February before he realized the pool cover lets all the water up if he walks on it. He goes in 2 to 3 times a day even though its 45 degree water and today we had unexpected snow and he did his own polar bear plunge. What a great dog. Hard to believe he’s a year old. "

"John, Just a quick note to let you know how pleased we are with our Starr Golden’s pup.   I knew from the pictures and speaking with you that we were going to get a beautiful dog.  What I didn’t expect was  such a well socialized and friendly pup!  His disposition is remarkable as he is probably the sweetest dog I’ve ever been around. (I have had 2 prior golden’s that were super dogs)  We ended up naming him Storm and he is truly a blessing.  My kids love him!  Thank you so much for all your help throughout the entire transaction.  He made it to Dallas just like you said he would and was in perfect condition. I ‘d like to have 3 more just like him if I had the room…. Thanks again, Bryan"   
Bryan P. R.
Dallas, Texas


"All went well on the ride home.  We took 80 and the ride was much easier.  Molsen did great on the ride home.  We did put him in the crate after about 2 hours and he went right to sleep.  My wife loves him and can't believe how white he is.  I stopped at my mom's house on the way home.  We walked in and surprised her, she didn't know we were getting a dog.  She is 84 and recently had her leg amputated.  She hasn't had much to smile about in the past year.  I wish you could have seen the smile that dog brought to her face.  She held him for almost 30 minutes.  She made me promise to bring him over every time I come to visit.

Thanks John.  I truly appreciate all you did helping me have the chance to own one of your dogs."


Western Springs, IL 


 "I just wanted to let you know our puppy arrived safely last night.  He is absolutely beautiful.  No pictures could do him justice.  He is so handsome, we decided that the name Rocco would not do - he has to be called something like Casanova, Prince Charming, or Valentino.  My wife, who does not have the same amount of dog experience as I do, was a little nervous before he arrived.  But now she is more smitten with him than she ever was with me!  As we drove home from the airport, I heard her giggling in the back seat like a high schooler at a drive in as "Casanova" nuzzled into her and licked her face.  My 2 daughters are in love.  The puppy is so gentle and so sweet, we are all so happy.  His personality is absolutely perfect. "

Nick and family

Mckinney, TX


"We just wanted to tell you what a great puppy she is.  We thought she would be timid and exhausted after the flight but she is fine.  She has a wonderful personality full of spirit and is getting along great.  Our other dog is fine with her.  When we lost our female last year he was very mopey.  He is five and she was 12 and always was the boss so it was hard for him.  This little puppy is so funny with him and he is so gentle and passive with her.  We have kept her feeding the same and are having no problems letting her out for the bathroom.  She slept from 11:30 last night until 5:30 this morning we keep her in a crate in our bedroom with us. Can you believe when we got her around 3 from airport she hadn’t even had one accident!  My daughter  has decided her name is Lacey and she seems to like it.  You did such a great job with her and are so grateful to you for selling her to us." 


Joe, Michelle Alex  and Kristen NJ

Also our dogs,

Dunkin and Lacey 



"Just wanted to drop you a quick note and let you know how well our puppy is doing.  He is not much of a puppy any longer.  Griffin is a big guy and doing great.  All our kids love him and worship him.  I told you my son Jake just loves dogs and takes great care of Brutus our other golden but he has also really take to Griffin and the two of them are best of friends.  He listens well and plays great with the kids and other dogs.  I can’t thank you enough.   Thanks again for your help and down the road maybe we can get another one from you. "


North Carolina

"I just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know how well Remington did on the trip home to Massachusetts and how well he's adjusting already to his new home.  He missed his litter mate for the first 30 min or so in the car, but then relaxed and was excellent the rest of the ride - I stopped a couple times to let him run around a bit and get some fresh air.  There was also a grassed area at the airport so we stayed outside until right before the flight which worked out perfect...he was tired and slept most of the flight (which was only 75 min long anyway so it went by quick).

My wife and sons absolutely love him and he's one spoiled little pup already.  He had a Vet check on Thursday and weighed in at 11 lbs 7 oz - all was well.  He's had no  issues.  He's sleeping 6 hours non-stop in the crate in our bedroom at night....better than we anticipated at 8 weeks old!  Thank you again for everything - we couldn't be happier with him."

Mark O.


Hi John,

"We just got home with our new family member and she's just perfect. We are playing out in the backyard right now and she is very happy and sweet! She loves chasing kylan around and has taken to him already. ;)"

Thanks so much,


Carlsbad, California

Hi John, 

"We received a puppy from you at the end of June and wanted to let you know how amazing she is doing! Her name is Mila and she brings us so much joy. She is absolutely beautiful, people stop there cars to say how pretty she is! She is doing fabulous and absolutely loves puppy school and is very eager to learn new things. Thank you so much for such an amazing dog!"


Brooke H. & Rodrigo F.

Chicago, Illinois

"I was walking on the beach in Carlsbad, CA today and met one of your pups. Her name is Sandi and she is six months old (I hear she has a sibling in the neighborhood named Hollywood).  I am a true dog lover to begin with but other than my pup, this was the most beautiful, playful and sweet pup I have met in a long time.  My Lhasa Apso is 16 ½ and in good shape.  She has been the light and heart of my life and I know I will have to replace her someday in the not too distant future.  I thought I would stick with that breed because I have been SO lucky with her for so long but after meeting Sandi this morning….I think I just might write you at some point and talk to you about a Golden…. Keep up the good work..I can tell you are a breeder to be trusted."

G Brown

Oceanside, CA

Hi John,

"It was good visiting with you yesterday morning. I originally had some worries about the return flight home, but they were quickly put to rest. The trip back to Dallas was a memorable experience. Everyone, including the TSA security people, flight attendants, pilots, and fellow passengers wanted to pet and see the puppy. Even though the airline has rules about actually keeping your pet in the carrier, I must admit that I stretched the rules a bit and left the top open and kept the carrier in the space in front of my seat. Maddie poked out her head and was licking my hand in between taking naps. It gave us quality time to bond.
           At home, family and friends were waiting to celebrate the new arrival. She didn't disappoint. She is so cute and sociable and obviously adores the attention.
           Looking forward to send you updates in the future."

Dallas, TX

"Bo is adorable and we are already completely in love with him. He ate like a trooper at 2:00 and is drinking and going potty with no issues. He has already made himself home! Thank you so much!"

Donna N.


Hi John.

"Anna my retriever is doing great..Getting along well with my German shepherd. She already learned commands like go home go potty sit down etc..Highly trainable at this small age and really loving...My kiddos having a great time with her and love to see them being happy...Thanks a lot for the help..shall Keep you posted."


Denver, Colorado

Hi John,

"We are so blessed to have Duke.  Not only is he beautiful, but he has an awesome personality.  He loves the cats and they play together and of course, he chases them at times.  Duke is very loving and will put his head on our laps and always wants to be near us, especially Phil.  He seems to know when either one of us is coming home and will watch for us out the window.  Every where we go, people comment on how beautiful he is. Duke has a bell that he rings when he wants to go out.  He then will stare at us telling us he is serious (some times he will ring it to just get our attention.)

Thank you again for letting us get him.  He is absolutely at the top of the list of all the dogs we have ever had."

Phil & Joyce

Bend, Oregon


"Hi John, Here are the pictures from obedience class of our precious puppy (Lacey). Born 11/21/18.  We absolutely adore her. She is so smart, loving, and very low key temperament. Our teacher indicated she had grown the most in the class (she was not talking about physical growth) and we had to miss 2 classes in the 7 week period. She is so intelligent! Our 7 year old granddaughter plays & plays with her. I cannot believe how strong she is. I am sure your son helped you in her training. Thank you both for such a beautiful dog. God Bless You!" 

Elizabeth & Richard


Hi John, 

"I just ran across your email today. I took 2 males from you 1.5 years ago just before Christmas. I have to say they are the most amazing creatures and they are doing great.  They are show stoppers as you said and have the most lovely personalities. Thank you for making the most amazing English Goldens!"


Elissa M. Vice President Sales and Marketing

Delray Beach,  Florida

"Hey John!  I wanted to drop you a quick note to tell you how absolutely thrilled we are to have Barnaby as part of our family.  He is literally the best.  I taught him all sign language commands and he thrives on learning.  He is my accomplished hunting buddy, my 8 year old son’s rough and tumble playmate, and my 10 year old daughter paints his nails.  No need for a leash, as he won’t leave our sides, even on the beach.  What a fantastic personality, temperament and demeanor.  We get asked about him everywhere we go.  Anyway, here is a recent picture.  Thanks again!"

Mark S.

Charleston, South Carolina